Hobby – Terrain Super Build!

Its been a couple of days between posts – I have been super busy! I have a new gaming room/man cave being built right now and its been a couple of solid days in the yard getting things ready for the build. Its great to think I will again have my own hobby and gaming space in just a few weeks!

I have also bitten the bullet and started on the Overlord bastion… its not as bad as the gates but its still a chore. I might take some pics if I feel the urge at the end of the build.

Today though – I want to show you what $70 of high density foam and some elbow grease can do!

A good friend of mine – I will use his online handle as I am not sure he would be up for me using his real name – DangerRod offered to lend a hand with terrain building for the masters event in November. Armed with $70AUS and a couple of days spare he managed to make all this!



I know there is more to come from the rest of the sheets of foam so all told, I should have 3-4 tables worth of terrain! This is epic work made even cooler by adding stuff from his bitz box…





The fact I know there are a couple of very distinct pieces missing from this first batch means I am going to have a truck load of terrain by the time he is done! All I will do is intersperse this with the GW terrain to add variety and its good to go. The main advantage of this sort of terrain is that they are real line of sight blockers and in some cases, even Imperial knights can claim cover saves! They need a quick seal of varnish to stop them flaking but that’s a small issue I can fix this week.

He has done a fantastic job I think you will agree and the best part now is that should he ever guest post here he has to use the handle DangerRod! Win! He suggested I stencil JMC on the big crashed section of space ship – though that in joke might go over the younger gamers heads!

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