40k Micro Battle Report – Eldar/Harlequins vs Chaos Daemons 1850

Tonight saw me sneak in a game in preparation for the 1850, 1 day event this weekend… I knocked together a list on the fly (about an hour before I left home for the club!) and figured I would try it out. My opponent brought Chaos Daemons (though I did not know this prior) to the game – also in prep for the same event…

My List

Heroes’ Path Harlequin Formation

(Solitaire with Haywire Grenades, Death Jester, Shadow Seer with Haywire Grenades, Mask of Secrets, Mastery Level 2)

Eldar Craftworlds Combined Arms Detachment

Autarch, Power Sword,Fusion Gun (joins Wraithguard)

5 Wraithguard, Wraith Cannons, Wave Serpent with Twin Linked Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon

10 Dire Avengers including Exarch, Wave Serpent with Twin Linked Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon

10 Dire Avengers including Exarch, Wave Serpent with Twin Linked Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon

Hemlock Wraith Fighter

Nightwing Interceptor (Forgeworld)

Wraith Knight with 2 Heavy Wraith Cannons


I make the shadowseer my warlord and get reroll 1’s for his trait – pretty good with a 2+ cover save!

His list from memory… I might have the unit sizes slightly off…

Chaos Daemons

Kairos Fateweaver

Herald of Tzeentch on Disc, Mastery 3, portal Glyph

Herald of Tzeentch on Disc, Mastery 3, grimore

Herald of Khorne on Juggernaut, relic axe

16 Flesh Hounds

2 Units of 8 Screamers

2 Units of 11 Horrors

He does not get invisibility but does get summoning and sacrifice as well as incursion on more than 1 model.

He gets first turn and I fail to seize.

He elects to spread out from my left flank to about 2/3rds of the board. I hunker down on the bottom right hand corner with the death jester outflanking and the 2 planes in reserve.

Before I forget, he had these awesome objective markers


The even light up! I have used Greenman Designs before for my Dark Eldar Wrecked vehicle markers – one of my work in progress venoms is even part of their home page slide show! – so I know they do good work – check them out!

I really hope I can buy these on the web store soon!

On with the game… he advances up and summons a unit of blood crushers and a new herald – that’s pretty much it! He did fail both forewarning and the grimore this turn as well as drop the portal glyph back in his deployment zone.




My turn sees me open up on the flesh hounds and the newly summoned blood crushers. I kill a few but not enough. I also realise at this point I am never going to get a psychic attack off against his force – he is generally denying me on a 4+ and has over 20 dice each phase… I do get a charge off with the solitaire against the first screamer unit – hoping to hold them in place. I lose a wound but inflict 3 in return.

Turn 2 he advances again on preparation for a charge and again does little damage. I take a few hits here and there and loose a hull point and a wraithguard (who had disembarked prior) but not much else. When he charges with the blood crushers – they die to overwatch from the wraithguard! The solitaire dies despite inflicting 3 more unsaved wounds.


In my turn 2, all my reserves come on and get into position – I disembark the dire avengers in preparation for a hail of shuriken and move up the wraith knight to charge the flesh hounds. Again I open fire but I can’t seem to inflict any harm with numerous failed to wound rolls resulting in a hand full of wounds on screamers as well a single wound on Kairos. The wraith knight fails a 5 inch charge to boot and the whole plan now looks doomed.



Turn 3 he moves about the wraith knight, lining up a multi charge from the remains of both screamer units plus the remains of the flesh hounds. In the psychic phase I am utterly devastated. I lose 3 wounds on the wraithknight to psychic screech before Beam of Tzeentch explodes one of the wave serpent and kills half of both units of avengers with it. I even loose the hemlock to flickering fire from a horror unit – 6 shots, 1 roll of 6 to hit, another 6 to penetrate then a 6 for damage and a 1 to wreck it! He charges the hounds and screamers in and reduces the wraithknight to a single wound, crucially locking himself up safe from the remains of my army.

My turn sees me put another 2 wounds on Kairos from the Nightwing and the remaining avengers. The Wraithguard and Autarch finish the last of the blood crushers. I charge the shadowseer into the combat with the wraith knight – challenging the herald to deny him attacks against the Wraith Knight – if it can live to stomp I might have a chance. I drop 2 wounds after saves on the herald and inflict concussive! Awesome! I just need to survive 8 attacks from the screamers – which of course inflict 6 hits, 2 wounds and I fail both feel no pains. I loose the shadow seer as well.



At this stage its a formality – I do get a few more kills on the summoned heralds – the death jester kills one each turn from turn 2 onwards in fact on my left flank! Its a moral victory but that’s about it. We call it at this stage as I have nothing really to fight back with. The hounds multi charge the remains of the avengers and the wraithguard so its all over bar the shouting.

The list just lacks so much early game hitting power and really shows how much the wave serpent has fallen from grace… back to the drawing board for this weekend I guess!



These pics are just because they look cool!

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