ATC 2015 Wrap up – Round 5, New South Wales

Round 5 and the final game for the weekend. We presently sit at 1 Win, 1 Draw, 2 Loss and I would really like to claim a second win for the teams weekend. The other pressure we faced is that NSW had yet to win a round, being beaten by everyone else and I was not going to be the only team to not do it as well!

Both teams were in good spirits and we even joked about simply going random match ups before reality kicked in and we got down to business. I will also apologise at this point as I completely forgot to get any kind of pictures for this round!

Being the last round of the day I did get a couple of the match ups wrong but was happy for the most part with what we managed. I pulled a list I felt pretty good against…






HQ1 : Warlord: Tank Commander (30pts), Leman Russ Punisher (140pts), Knight Commander Pask (40pts), Lascannon (10pts), Multi Melta Sponsons (20pts) Leman Russ Punisher (140pts), Lascannon (10pts), Multi Melta Sponsons (20pts)

Leman Russ Punisher (140pts), Lascannon (10pts), Multi Melta Sponsons (20pts) [580pts]

HQ1 a : Primaris Psyker (50), Mastery Level 2 (25), Force Stave (0) [75]

HQ1 b : Primaris Psyker (50), Mastery Level 2 (25), Force Stave (0) [75]

HQ1 c : Primaris Psyker (50), Mastery Level 2 (25), Force Stave (0) [75]

Troop 1 : Infantry Platoon Command Squad (30pts) Infantry Squad (50pts), Lascannon Team (20pts), Melta Bombs (5pts)

Infantry Squad (50pts), Lascannon Team (20pts), Melta Bombs (5pts)

Infantry Squad (50pts), Lascannon Team (20pts), Melta Bombs (5pts)

Infantry Squad (50pts), Lascannon Team (20pts), Melta Bombs (5pts)

Infantry Squad (50pts), Lascannon Team (20pts), Melta Bombs (5pts) [405pts]

Troop 2 : Veteran Squad (60pts)

HS1: Wyvern Battery (65pts), 2 Additional Wyverns (2×65=130), 3 x Heavy Bolters (0pts) [195pts]


HQ1 : Saint Celestine (135pts) [135pts]

HQ1 a : Ministorum Priest (25pts), Litanies of Faith (15pts) [40pts]

HQ1 b : Ministorum Priest (25pts) [25pts]

HQ1 c : Ministorum Priest (25pts) [25pts]

Troop 1 : 5x Battle Sister Squad (60pts) [60pts]


HQ1 : Torquemada Coteaz (100pts) [100pts]

So another guard blob with Coteaz, multiple primaris psykers and priests, as well as Celestine for hit and run all backed up with Pask and his 2 drinking buddies as well as a wyverns. Despite the striking similarity to my game round 3 (HERE) I felt much better about this game. No 2+ blob was a good start and his psychic powers from divination netted exactly zero defensive abilities. The wyverns don’t worry any but the 2 infantry units I have and Pask and his buddies limited range meant I should be able to deal with them before they got to be a threat.

The game opened with me again going second. He had deployed pask centrally with the wyverns on my left and the blob stretched out from the centre of the table to the right of the table edge. I deployed the Lance of Knights on my right with a large piece of terrain blocking line of sight to Pask. The dragoons hid behind the knights while I deployed the dune crawlers on my left opposite the wyverns. The infantry went into reserve.

His first turn plinked a couple of hull points from the knights thanks to the blobs las cannons and pask as well as popping 2 of the dragoons I had not hidden well enough. He also had advanced up a little with the blob which would allow me to charge them with a half decent roll. My turn now and I advanced the Lance up and around the terrain so the 2 errants had melta range on Pask while the paladin lined up the charge on the blob. The melta bombs would be at least a couple of turns before they could pile in so I felt good with that charge. True to form, the 2 errants vaporised Pask and one of his buddies while the 3rd escaped the destruction. The blob took a few deaths from the battle cannon. I had advanced the dune crawlers and opened fire on the wyverns but did nothing to them. I declared the charge and took 5 las cannons overwatch at full BS thanks to a psychic power I forgot he had active and failed the charge and took 2 hull points to boot.

Turn 2 the blob moved about but mostly to make the knights charge longer. The remaining punisher tank moved to engage the dune crawlers and the sisters and vets in reserve arrived behind the wyverns. The las cannons again opened fire on the knights but failed to do anything through the shield. The punisher stunned one of the dune crawlers. I again advance the paladin so I can line up the battlecannon on the wyverns and the stubbers on the blob. The errants spread out to engage the last punisher as well as the blob. The dune crawlers move up and the dragoons break cover to hide behind the errants looking for a turn 3 charge. The first errant removes the last punisher tank with ease while the second takes a chunk from the blob. The paladin nukes 2 of the wyverns and kills a couple more of the blob with its stubbers. The dune crawlers light up the veterans and kill the lot with a streak of lucky dice and the help of the cognis stubbers I remembered to buy them. The Paladin again fails a charge through terrain but this time does not loose any more hull points from over watch.

Turn 3 the blob line up the charge on the first errant knight and there was no shooting either. With 5 melta bombs and misfortune successful I knew I was loosing a knight. He declares the charge and instead of multicharging the 2 Errants he piles into the lead one leaving the second alone. This is fantastic for me. The knight kills a couple with the reaper sword, a bunch more with stomp and then goes kabloom! It takes Coteaz with misfortune active but it works. The blast kills a dozen bodies and the blob is looking decidedly worse for wear. The stomps had taken their toll as well – I had targeted the melta bomb models and killed all but 1. My turn 3 sees the dune crawlers advance on the wyverns for a charge. The dragoons also break cover for a charge on the blob to soak overwatch and ensure the knight errant will win combat. The vanguard and rangers show up this turn as well. The dune crawlers open fire on the last wyvern but fail to damage it again. The remaining 2 knights open up on the blob and reduce it to the priests, psykers, Coteaz, Celestine and about half a dozen bodies. The Dragoons charge what remains and kill all the normal guard remaining but are destroyed outright in the process. I fail the 3rd charge for the game through terrain with the knights… The dune crawlers charge the wyvern but fail to harm it.

Turn 4 he had nothing left to threaten the knights or really the dune crawlers. He splits the characters up to try and cap some objectives for maelstrom but its to little to late. During turn 4 and 5 my knights and crawlers finish the last wyvern and the sisters unit as well as the platoon command. Celestine dies to overwatch from the vanguard on the charge in his turn 5. My turn 5 he only has coteaz and a single priest alive in front of my 2 knights. The thermal cannon opens up and ends the game with a tabling. 20-0 win to me!

During this game we had 3 other players inform me of 20-0 wins for us giving us 80 out of 80 points for the first 4 games finished! Our blood angels list only played the first player turn of the game before his opponent conceded the game – that lists death punch is vicious! Our daemons faced knights again this round and redeemed the match up after loosing the last game in round 4 against a very similar list. Our white scars bikers continue their winning streak against the daemon lists as well. we need just 6 points from the last 4 games to win the round.

We loose all 4 games….

2 of those are 0-20 losses…

The other 2 games net us 13 points and win us the round! We finish the round on 93 to 67 points!

Victory for WA against NSW and we finish the last round on a win – a great way to wrap up the games

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